Consider These 5 Tips From Ryder Carrol to Effectively Plan Your Week!
I struggled with keeping track of the tasks, feeling anxious by the number of tasks, and forgetting information about the tasks. Do you struggle with these too?
If so, I have extracted 5 tips from the book “The Bullet Journal Method” by Ryder Carrol.
Ryder and I were struggling with the same issues until he discovered the bullet journal method and I discovered him.
I used Carrol’s devised system to effectively plan my week without getting lost on the track or feeling overwhelmed. Carrol says.
“Track your past. Organize your present. Plan your future.”
I concluded 5 tips from his book to make my weekly plans effective.
- Create mental inventory
- Time Blocking
- Morning Reflection
- Evening Reflection
- Celebrate
Let’s discuss these 5 tips one by one.
Tip 01 — Create mental inventory
Creating mental inventory means writing down everything and anything you want to accomplish. You will notice that you have a lot more to do than you thought you did.
Why? Because we suffer from decision fatigue
a phenomenon where too many choices/tasks burn us out.

To recover from decision fatigue is by getting out of the pile of tasks/choices. Writing all the tasks on paper, notion, or any digital notetaking app, gets your mind the space to step back and evaluate what is important.
Consider each task individually and ask yourself these questions.
Why is it important?
Is it vital or unnecessary?
Why it should be the priority?
It will ease you in eradicating unnecessary tasks — saving energy for vital tasks.
Start creating your mental inventory on Friday so that when it’s Monday you are ready to hit the ground.
Tip 02 — Time Blocking
In my blog SMART Goals: 5 Smart Steps to Accomplish Your Any Goal, there is Step 5 of putting the deadline for each goal.
Carrol’s tip 2 of Time Blocking says the same. Block a specific time for a certain task. Time Blocking creates a structured approach and establishes urgency, preventing you from wasting uncertain time on a task.
When we have a deadline for a task, we give it our full attention.

Tip 03 — Morning Reflection
Spent 5 to 15 minutes reflecting on the mental inventory of the week and preparing the to-do list of the day.
While getting your to-do list ready, ask yourself
why you should do this task today?
It gives you an extra burst of energy to start your day with a mission. It is organizing your present.
Tip 04 — Evening Reflection
Unburden and unwind your mind with what you have accomplished this day. Evening reflection is tracking what progress you have made in your effective week plan, organizing what you have left for the week and how will you accomplish your remaining weekly tasks.
Carrol says,
“Reflection helps identify what nourishes you so you can make better decisions as you seed the next session of your life.”
Tip 05 — Celebrate
Our brain enjoys dopamine bursts. So, whenever you complete a task, take a break, give yourself a thumbs up, a high phi, a little dance, or anything which you like doing to enjoy that moment.

These 5 tips helped me in overcoming the uncertainty of when will I do this task and how many tasks I have.
It is not a one-size-fit-for-all. Follow these 5 tips, do your trial and error, and discover what works best for you. If you have any of your amazing tips for effectively planning the week, do share so we all can benefit from it too.