Boosting Efficiency and Reducing Stress: How Pomodoro Helped Me Get Things Done
I woke up this morning feeling anxious and overwhelmed about the task at hand. I had to revise my syllabus for a paper due tomorrow, and I hadn’t even started yet. I knew I had to come up with a plan to tackle the task, or else I would be in trouble. That’s when I remembered the Pomodoro Technique that I had learned about in a course on productivity in Amal Career Prep Fellowship.
I quickly decided on the task to be done and set the Pomodoro timer to 25 minutes. At first, it was difficult to focus. I kept getting distracted by notifications on my phone and the urge to check my email. But I reminded myself to stay focused and keep working on the task at hand. Every time a distraction popped into my head, I wrote it down and then immediately got back on task.
After the timer rang, I put a star on a piece of paper and took a short 3–5 minute break, treating myself to a piece of candy. I repeated this process four times until I had four stars on my paper, which meant it was time for a longer break.
Throughout the process, I found that the Pomodoro Technique helped me stay focused and accomplish more. It was especially helpful to have the breaks in between, as it allowed me to recharge and come back to the task with renewed energy.
However, I did face some challenges along the way. It was difficult to resist the urge to check my phone and email during the 25-minute intervals. I also found it challenging to avoid multitasking, which is something I usually do when I’m feeling overwhelmed. But I reminded myself that the Pomodoro Technique was designed to help me focus on one task at a time and avoid distractions.
Overall, I plan on using the Pomodoro Technique regularly in the future, and I have a few ideas on how to improve my experience. For instance, I will try to minimize distractions by turning off my phone notifications and closing my email while I’m working on a task. I also plan on experimenting with the length of the intervals to see what works best for me.
In conclusion, the Pomodoro Technique was an effective way for me to overcome procrastination and stay focused on my task. It helped me accomplish more and avoid distractions, making the task seem less daunting. I encourage others to try this technique and find out what works best for them.